كتاب : فتيات خارقات

61.75 ريال سعودي

المؤلف :مختارات مترجمة المترجم :محمد ديوب Who is the super girl?  The super girl is you because you already have all the super power within you!  As Zaha Hadid said, ""I see all women smart, gifted and tough."" So just believe in your ability and never underestimate yourself. What I have just said seems theoretical; so to support it I create Super girl. This book has a chosen collection of articles written by super women to empower other women. They share with us their life vision, experience, and their practical piece of advice on certain topics. They aim to help you to stay strong, beautiful, confident, and most importantly to stay YOU."

الألوان المتاحة :
المقاسات المتاحة :
الكويت :
الكمية :
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اسم المنصة : منصة دار كلمات للنشر والتوززيع حالة المنتج : متوفر الكمية المتاحة : 12 قطع