
Book: Arbitration Problems in International Construction Contracts

22.5 RS

The book: Problems of Arbitration in International Construction Contracts Author: Muhammad Al-Hadi Al-Shams Year of Publication: 2020 Specialization: Arbitration Publishing House: Dar Al-Fikr Al-Jamei About the book: This study aimed to clarify the legal framework for these constructions in terms of defining the law applicable to the contract and the obligations of its parties and clarifying The legal conditions of the arbitration agreement and its impact on international immunity and the possibility of its extension to others.The existence of the arbitration clause in construction contracts is almost in all these contracts due to its importance as a means of resolving the dispute, as it is considered the best solution in these contracts because it is the fastest and least expensive way to resolve the dispute. Adjudication for years in many cases, which necessarily leads to exacerbation of the dispute between the two parties and exorbitant financial losses for the winner and the loser, and this can be easily avoided by resorting to arbitration. In construction contract disputes, there is a lot of controversy and wide jurisprudence. We have taken into account the inevitability of the absence of the capacity of the state party in the arbitration agreement when it clings to immunity, and the multiplicity of parties involved in this process, which raises the problem of extending arbitration to non-signatory parties.

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Store : University Thought House Product Status : Available Available Quantity : 10 Pieces