
Book: A lawsuit to cancel administrative decisions

37.5 RS

The book: A case for annulment of administrative decisions Author: Hamdi Attia Amer Year of publication: 2021 Specialization: Administrative law Publishing house: Dar Al-Fikr Al-Jamei About the book: Judgment of annulment The administrative judiciary proceeds by appealing a specific administrative decision and requesting its annulment due to its illegality, and it is known This appeal in France is in the name of the appeal because of the abuse of authority, and the litigation in the annulment case is directed to a general regulatory decision or an individual administrative decision, where the judge’s authority is limited to verifying the legality of the contested decision or its illegality. His authority goes beyond that in the sense that the judge does not have the right to amend the contested decision or replace it, or order certain rights for the claimant.

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Store : University Thought House Product Status : Available Available Quantity : 10 Pieces