
Book: Suspending the implementation of the administrative decision

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The book: Suspension of the implementation of the administrative decision Author: Najwa Muhammad Mostafa Year of publication: 2018 Specialization: Administrative law Publishing house: Dar Al-Fikr Al-Jamei About the book: The administrative decision is considered one of the most important means that the public administration has in order to perform its required activity within society because it deals with Most of the aspects of this activity, which led to a wide judicial oversight of the extent to which the administration respects the principle of legality when issuing the administrative decision, and in light of the above, stopping the implementation of the administrative decision is a very important issue for individuals because it leads to stopping this risk that is associated with the decision affecting their positions In a negative way, and thus the endowment in this regard constitutes a basic guarantee for individuals to stop the validity of the decision and its implementation in their confrontation at the appropriate moment, especially since the endowment here comes with the intervention of the judiciary, which reinforces this guarantee.

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Store : University Thought House Product Status : Available Available Quantity : 10 Pieces